Rashida Coleman-Hale has gathered talented designers from around the world to bring you 24 delightful Zakka projects. Zakka, a Japanese term meaning “many things,” is all about all the little things that improve your home and appearance. Create a one-of-a-kind picture frame, a stylish bread bag, a whimsical bookmark, a chic tote, and so much more. You’ll love these bright, imaginative designs-make them for yourself and everyone you know!
Featuring contributions by Amanda Jennings, Amy Sinibaldi
, Christie Fowler, Holly Keller, Julia Bravo, Karyn Valino, Kat Mew, Katrien Van Deuren, Kim Kruzich, Larissa Holland, Laurraine Yuyama, Leslie Good, Lisa Billings, Masko Jefferson, Meg Spaeth
, Melody Miller, Mette Robl, Nova Flitter, Pascal Mestdagh, Rachel Roxburgh, Shannon Dreval, Sonia Cantie, Theresia Cookson. Award-Winner in the Crafts/Hobbies/How-To category of the 2012 International Book Awards!
The latest from some of our partners:
The Elsie K. Baglet Pattern from StudioKat Designs ✁
DIYFluffies - Stuffed Animal Sewing & Crochet Patterns - Buy 5 patterns and get 20% off with code: PATTERNS5 🐯
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#MegSpaeth #housewarming #designer #SoniaCantie #NovaFlitter #tote #whimsical #Japanesesewing #KatrienVanDeuren #applique #gift #LarissaHolland #LaurraineYuyama #chic #ShannonDreval #KimKruzich #AmandaJennings #PDF #ChristieFowler #KatMew #ebook #TheresiaCookson #AmySinibaldi #LisaBillings #Zakka #MetteRobl #giftidea #LeslieGood #PascalMestdagh #HollyKeller #MaskoJefferson #quilted #RachelRoxburgh #AyumiTakahashi #JuliaBravo #easysewingprojects #RashidaColemanHale #householdstorage #Japanese #breadbag #KarynValino #MelodyMiller