A Digital Sewing Pattern Download by Lynn Weglarz

High contrast fabrics play off each other in this statement-piece purse. Mix and match fabric prints and textures to create a unique and modern handbag to carry anywhere. A bold little purse with front zippered pockets and easy to carry! Finished bag size: 11″ x 10″ excluding handles.
Sewing Supplies:
main: 3/8 yard décor-weight fabric
contrast: 1/3 yard quilting fabric
lining: 3/8 yard quilting fabric
2 x 5″ metal zippers
one pair of 6″ circular purse handles
one 3/4″ magnetic snap
1/3 yard heavy-weight fusible interfacing
matching thread
mat, and acrylic ruler
zipper foot, blind hem foot
optional: water-soluble basting tape

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