If you plan to travel and you will have backseat passengers, sew one or two of these backseat travel organizers to keep your little travel companions occupied and unfocused on that dreaded question; “Are we there yet?”. Toss in some activity books, tissue box, ear buds, portable sippy cups, and a lap blanket. Your trips will be super-fun and comfortable for your little passengers.
Sewing Supplies:
1 yard of sturdy fabric
2 packages 1/4″ bias binding – or make eight yards of your own
1-1/2 yards of 1″ wide elastic
1 yard low-loft double sided fusible fleece
typical sewing supplies & sewing machine

Car Seat Organizer PDF Sewing Pattern
More sewing projects for drivers and passengers:
The latest from some of our partners:
The Elsie K. Baglet Pattern from StudioKat Designs ✁
DIYFluffies - Stuffed Animal Sewing & Crochet Patterns - Buy 5 patterns and get 20% off with code: PATTERNS5 🐯
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