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PatternPile is a resource for finding practical and fun-to-sew patterns for bags, hats and quilts.




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Sew the Mega 38 Card Wallet + Learn How to Bind Your Sewing Projects – Free Sewing Tutorials

from Beckie Farrant and Lindsay Fullington ❃

The Mega Card Holder Wallet - Free Sewing Tutorial

I’ve been looking for a wallet pattern or a wallet sewing tutorial to hold a substantial amount of “stuff”. With gifts cards, loyalty shopping cards, credit cards, debit cards, discount cards, my purse is FULL of cards. The Mega Card Holder Wallet by the incredible Beckie Farrant of Infarrantly Creative  looks like the perfect wallet for all of my cards.  A Velcro tab closure makes it so easy.  A magnetic snap, or a nice twist closure are some hardware alternatives.  Basic sewing skills would be required to follow this free sewing tutorial.


Designer Wallet Patterns:

The Winslet Tri-fold Wallet - Sew and Sell

The Winslet Tri-fold Wallet

BPlusBear's PDF Sewing Pattern for the All-in-one Weekend Phone Wallet

All-in-one Weekend Phone Wallet

Designer Seat Belt Series: Tri-Fold Wallet Sewing Pattern + Kits

Designer Seat Belt Series: Tri-Fold Wallet

Walkabout Wallet sewing pattern

Walkabout Wallet

Clutch Wallet PDF Sewing Pattern

Prima Diva Clutch Wallet


The latest from some of our partners:

  1. Just Arrived - Today's Newest Fabric Collections!

  2. Holiday Projects

  3. The Elsie K. Baglet Pattern from StudioKat Designs ✁

  4. DIYFluffies - Stuffed Animal Sewing & Crochet Patterns - Buy 5 patterns and get 20% off with code: PATTERNS5 🐯


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